Tomorrow’s Technology Today
Since 1999, BridgeWave Communications has been delivering highly-reliable, cost-effective, high capacity wireless solutions for mobile, carrier, service provider, enterprise, and government networks. High performance, lower costs, ease of operation and excellent security has delivered superior alternatives to fiber-based solutions.
Today, BridgeWave is pushing the boundaries of wireless technology even further to deliver the utmost in performance, scalability, and flexibility. Our latest innovations include our software-defined proprietary RF ASIC chip for the 6-42GHz bands, and a single four-channel baseband SOC that supports up to 2000MHz of aggregated bandwidth, and capacities over 10Gbps. No more “off-the-shelf” chipset limitations. Instead, the freedom and flexibility to make the impossible possible for our customers throughout the world.
To learn more about BridgeWave solutions, visit

Microwave Radio Systems
Systems offering performance and capabilities never-before-seen in licensed microwave to optimize networks for high capacity, and dramatically decrease capital and operating costs.

FLEX4G 70-80GHz
Millimeter Wave Radio Systems
Systems offering capacities up to 10Gbps, AES encryption for highest security, scalability, carrier-class features, and ease of installation at industry-leading price points